Whistleblower News: Lawmakers Call For Crackdown After Pandora Papers Revelations, US Electronics Firm Struck Deal To Transport And Hire Uyghur Workers, $4.5M To Resolve False Claims Act Lawsuit For Non-Compliance With Military Specifications

Lawmakers call for crackdown on financial ‘enablers’ after Pandora Papers revelations


A bipartisan group of lawmakers plans to introduce legislation this week that for the first time would require trust companies, lawyers, art dealers and others to investigate foreign clients seeking to move money and assets into the American financial system. read more »

US electronics firm struck deal to transport and hire Uyghur workers


U.S. remote-control maker Universal Electronics Inc (UEIC.O) told Reuters it struck a deal with authorities in Xinjiang to transport hundreds of Uyghur workers to its plant in the southern Chinese city of Qinzhou, the first confirmed instance of an American company participating in a transfer program described by some rights groups as forced labor. read more »

Crane Company Agrees to Pay More Than $4.5 Million to Resolve False Claims Act Lawsuit for Non-Compliance with Military Specifications


Crane Company (Crane) has agreed to pay to the United States over $4.5 million to resolve allegations that it violated the False Claims Act by failing to comply with Military Specification (Mil Spec) Mil-V 24624 for certain high performance butterfly valves and requirements for inclusion on the Qualified Products List (QPL) where the valves appeared. The valves were supplied for use in U.S. Navy ships. read more »