Sexual Harassment News: Military Sexual Assault Reform, US College Sport Favors Profits Over Sexual Assualt Reform, Global Sports Organization Failing To Curb Abuse

The Two Men Blocking Military Sexual Assault Reform


These days, it is tough to get a supermajority of U.S. senators to agree on the color of the sky, much less a politically delicate piece of legislation. Yet this is precisely what is happening with the Military Justice Improvement and Increasing Prevention Act, a bill championed by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, the New York Democrat, that would overhaul how the armed services handle accusations of rape, sexual assault and other serious crimes. In addition to beefing up training and prevention, the proposal would shift the decision to prosecute many felonies “from the chain of command to independent, trained, professional military prosecutors.” read more »

Big-time US college sport still favors profits over victims of sexual abuse


Michigan team doctor Robert Anderson abused hundreds of athletes under his care. But there are serious allegations that senior figures enabled him. read more »

‘How Much Is a Little Girl Worth?’


The sexual abuse scandal in Mali basketball is the latest example of how global sports organizations are failing to curb the mistreatment of women. read more »