Auto News: U.S. May Reinstate Boost In Automaker Fines For Not Meeting Emissions Rules, Millions of electric car batteries will retire in the next decade. What happens to them?

U.S. may reinstate boost in automaker fines for not meeting emissions rules


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said Wednesday it may impose higher penalties for automakers failing to meet fuel efficiency requirements in recent years, a decision that could cost the industry hundreds of millions of dollars or more. read more »

Millions of electric car batteries will retire in the next decade. What happens to them?


A tsunami of electric vehicles is expected in rich countries, as car companies and governments pledge to ramp up their numbers – there are predicted be 145m on the roads by 2030. But while electric vehicles can play an important role in reducing emissions, they also contain a potential environmental timebomb: their batteries. read more »