Own a OneWheel? Have you experienced unexpected shutoffs, nosedives or loss of power? We believe a serious product defect is putting you at risk of injury.

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11/16/22 | Consumer Safety Group Issues Warning Against OneWheel and Pursues Recall
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) today issued a warning to consumers regarding Future Motion's Onewheel products, urging immediate discontinued use of all Onewheel models (Onewheel, Onewheel+, Onewheel+ XR, Onewheel Pint, Onewheel Pint X, and Onewheel GT). The consumer advocacy group’s strict warning bolsters the firm’s lawsuit, which details the extensive hazards from the product’s design defect causing risk of serious injury. According to CPSC’s press release, there have been at least four reported deaths between 2019 and 2021, among many reports of injuries related to OneWheel use. “The reported deaths resulted from head trauma. Reported injuries include traumatic brain injury, concussion, paralysis, upper-body fractures, lower-body fractures, and ligament damage.” The CPSC also noted that, although Future Motion “refuses to agree to an acceptable recall of the product,” it “intends to continue pursuing a recall for consumers.” The firm stands with CPSC’s call for Future Motion to recall OneWheel products due to safety risks and continues to fight its case on behalf of consumers.

Case Status
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
Judge Assigned
Hon. Beth Labson Freeman
Case Number
Future Motion Inc.
File Date


onewheel.pngConsumers have reported sudden shutoffs and nosedives while operating Future Motion Inc.’s OneWheel electronic skateboard. Future Motion has yet to remedy the defect that causes the device to suddenly lose power, effectively catapulting riders from the board at potentially high speeds and steep angles. If you own a OneWheel, fill out the form to find out your rights.


The OneWheel, designed by Future Motion Inc., is an electronic skateboard purchased by tens of thousands of U.S. consumers and used for recreation, commuting and general transportation. Future Motion sold its OneWheel as a reliable product, safe for use, but according to consumer reports, the OneWheel is defective and unreasonably dangerous, violating laws designed to protect the public from hazardous products.

OneWheel owners have reported injury, permanent disfigurement and scarring due to the defect that suddenly renders the OneWheel inoperable when its pushback feature is engaged, suddenly causing the device to shut off and nosedive. Users report that the OneWheel’s balancing assist fails once the motor’s resources reach a critical point, causing the rider to experience an unexpected shutdown and nosedive.


OneWheel users report that the device’s pushback feature – allegedly designed as a warning to riders of low battery power – can cause the device to immediately shut off, resulting in the rider being catapulted off the device. In this instance, the front of the board violently slams into the ground, and the rider is thrown forward.

Factors that may contribute to the OneWheel shutoff defect include tire pressure, user’s weight, winds, rider’s stance and grade of either incline or decline, leaving the rider largely unable to predict when a nosedive and shutoff will occur.

Consumer reports indicate that various circumstances can lead to an unexpected shutoff and put the rider at risk of experiencing a nosedive:

  • While ascending hills, when a rider is already pushing against the rise and grade of the hill, they may not feel the pushback and experience a shutoff.
  • While descending, a rider likely will not feel pushback due to their weight being shifted to the back of the device for speed control. Pushback in this instance may lead to a sudden nosedive or tailspin.
  • Nearing battery depletion, the OneWheel gives pushback to alert the rider by dramatically elevating the nose of the device, and if over-depletion of the battery is sensed, the OneWheel will shut off entirely.
  • If descending, and the battery becomes overcharged, the OneWheel may also suddenly shut down to prevent battery damage, at the expense of rider safety.
  • Quick acceleration may also lead to unexpected pushback from the OneWheel.


Individuals have reported broken collarbones and severe road rash after being thrown from their OneWheel unexpectedly during a nosedive even when riding on familiar terrain in front of their own driveway.

Online, consumers have reported unexpected OneWheel shutoffs across various forums:

  • “Ended up in a nasty spill with a torn up ankle, elbow, and shoulder. …The motor completely stopped and felt like it had been flipped in reverse for a half second …as I fell off the front.”
  • “Damn near put me in the hospital...”
  • “My medical bill will cost more than the board. Loved my onewheel until it powered off abruptly and tossed me on the ground. I suffered major knee injuries due to over-rotation of the lower leg. I'm now unable to walk and may require surgery for full recovery.”
  • “This has happened twice to me on my XR…Alert said hardware incompatibility error detected, or something close, and it just shut off, I had to captain morgan and ride it to a stop. Second time I was going up an incline and I think I accidentally ignored the pushback because it shut off on me then too. Both times I was suddenly on a balance board moving really fast with no power of any kind.”
  • “For as much as these wonderful vehicles cost, they need to up their game on quality control. I've heard too many stories like this.”
  • “My Onewheel shut off randomly 2 times on two different rides - for no reason. …Both times it happened to me in the bike lane..I could have easily gotten hit by a car.”
  • “This…happened to me and they refused to acknowledge it. Almost got me killed.”


Hagens Berman’s legal investigation seeks to find out what reimbursement consumers may be eligible to receive for potentially illegal product defects and safety risks of Future Motion’s OneWheel. Our law firm believes in consumers’ rights, and Future Motion may have violated negligence laws when it marketed and sold thousands of defective and exceptionally dangerous OneWheels to the public. Our firm will investigate to what extent Future Motion knew of the risks its product posed to the public, and why it has delayed in taking responsibility – actions we believe deserve compensation. We believe tens of thousands of consumers paid a premium price for a product that is defective and incredibly dangerous.


A class-action lawsuit can seek repayment for consumers for related losses due to product defects or negligence, including defects leading to risk of injury and negligence in responsibly recalling products or addressing public harm. Class members may have other claims to repayment as well under consumer laws. Class actions help hold corporations accountable for oversight, intentional coverups and other misleading and harmful actions often motivated by greed and profit.


Hagens Berman is one of the most successful consumer litigation law firms in the U.S. and has achieved more than $320 billion in settlements for consumers in lawsuits against product manufacturers, retailers, food corporations, automakers, big banks and others. Hagens Berman has achieved many record-breaking victories in consumer-rights and hazardous product matters, and your claim will be handled by attorneys experienced in consumer law.


There is no cost or fee whatsoever involved in joining this investigation or any future lawsuit. In the event Hagens Berman or any other firm obtains a settlement that provides benefits to class members, the court will decide a reasonable fee to be awarded to the class's legal team. In no case will any class member ever be asked to pay any out-of-pocket sum.


Complaint filed

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