Current Role
  • Associate, Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP
Recent Success
  • Obtained full summary judgment in real estate dispute
  • Obtained full summary judgment on behalf of multiple parties in seven figure business dispute
  • Prior to joining Hagens Berman, Mr. Kincaid practiced at various Seattle and Spokane law firms where he handled matters related to catastrophic injury, wrongful death, professional malpractice and commercial disputes.
Pro Bono
  • While in law school, Mr. Kincaid was awarded with pro bono distinction for assisting the legal needs of indigent persons. 
Public Service
  • While in law school, Mr. Kincaid volunteered at Gonzaga University’s legal aid clinic, the Spokane County Drug Court and the Spokane County Mental Health Court.
Notable Decisions
  • Brugh v. Fun-Tastic Rides Co. Drafted successful appeal on behalf of plaintiff in novel res ipsa loquitur case.
Personal Insight

Outside of the office, William enjoys reading, traveling and playing basketball.