Current Role
  • Associate, Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP
  • Prior to joining Hagens Berman, Dana attended Harvard Law School, where she was president of Lambda, the school’s LGBTQ+ affinity organization, and an executive managing editor of the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review
  • Prior, she worked as a summer associate at a prominent plaintiffs’ firm in Washington, D.C. focused on antitrust, corporate accountability and civil rights law
  • While in law school, Dana also interned at the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, GLAD (GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders), the Amazon Labor Union Legal Support Team and Public Counsel’s Consumer Rights and Economic Justice Project
Personal Insight

Dana is from the Chicago area. Outside of work, she enjoys going to concerts, reading books about LGBTQ+ history, hiking and spending an inordinate amount of time retrieving plastic springs from under her stove (thanks to her cat, Alan).